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Sowing seeds of success: Growing courageous learners

Growing Courageous Learners.

Welcome to Our Parent's Comments page!

Here is just a small selection of our parent's comments:

"We want to thank you for providing a positive environment in which she has flourished emotionally, socially and academically...made to feel that she belonged to the school made a world of difference to our family."

"When I moved to Thirsk you made the choice easy...I made the right choice.  It's such a great school...Thank you for making it a great experience for me as a mum too."

"We would have no hesitation on recommending Sowerby School to anyone if they are looking for a school that genuinely cares for their students."

"We were really impressed with the school especially the behaviour of the pupils and all the extra curricular activities that the children take part it."

"I am writing to commend you on your fabulous school and amazing staff.  My grandchild feels comfortable that he can tell, if anything is troubling him.  This fills me with joy..."