Welcome to Dragonflies Before and After School Club is our wrap around care within school.
It provides a caring and safe environment for before and after school. It has a homely feel where children can relax after school.
Our playleader and play workers are experienced practitioners who plan, resource and lead sessions based on individual children’s interests and needs.
Children have access to fun and exciting activities, open provision and resources, homework and reading support and the option to relax with friends.
Before School Club
- 7.30-8.50am
- Cost £4.00
- Children can arrive from 7.30am
- A breakfast will be provided
- Indoor provision can be accessed
After School Club
- 3.30-6.00pm
- Cost £7.00
- Children will arrive from 3.30pm
- A light, healthy snack tea will be provided
- A focus activity and indoor and outdoor provision can be accessed
- Children can attend extra curricular activities and come to Dragonfly's afterwards
Collection and drop off
Parents/Carers can drop off and collect children from the outside classroom on KS1 Playground by ringing the doorbell on their door. You will be asked to sign in and sign out on the register by a member of staff.
Dragonfly is run by is run by our Play Leaders Emma Richardson and Leigh Daniells and helped by Tim Cawood and Georgie Callaghan. Our staff have experience of working with children and undertake professional development training.
Before School children have breakfast provided. This will include cereals, toast or crumpets. After School children have a healthy light tea. Children are involved in creating the menu and preparing meals. Any dietary requirements will be met.
Forms and Administration
If you would like to register for a place please download and complete the forms below. The completed forms can be emailed to dragonfly@sowerbyacademy.org or handed to staff at the school office..
Parent & Carer's Sun Protection Form
Effective communication between Dragonfly and home is essential. Children achieve more when school and parents work together. The playleader and playworkers are available to support families and children. The school website, social media and notice board are all used to display information.
Dragonfly adhere to all school policies which can be found here.